21stC Bizarrocalypse


In this, the 21st century


Collective Consciousness

An Awareness of:

The abject FAKENESS

In which we’re immersed in this world

So much so, to wit:

That England’s Parliament

Has recently banned the use of the word ‘fake’

Because: ‘no one has any idea what it means’

It recommends using substitutes:

‘DISinformation’ or ‘MISinformation’

Apt words, to be sure

For the alternate reality we endure

This bizarre shift in our God-created world

Where every REAL—i.e., natural–thing

Has been adulterated reprogrammed ‘improved’

And/or genetically modified

While the SURreal

Or dare I say, our ‘spiritual’ realm

Oozes out of a compassionless black hole

And disorients and confounds

Therefore, it has come to this:

To us staring down this bizarre

And fake quality of our life on this planet

By facing it with The Truth

Because only ‘The Truth’

The son of the True God once said

“Will set us free”


But “What is truth?”

A Roman official once asked

That aforementioned son

And where is Truth to be found?

Certainly not in the 24/7


Reporting of every bit of DISinformation

That’s fit to print, text, listen to

And video-stream!

All of it ‘FAKE news!’ after all

Proclaims this century’s fakest president!

No one can answer for sure

What computes as ‘the truth’

Or provide the answers to the ‘what or where’

For today’s truths shift-shape

And come in many shades of gray

The list of things fake is endless

‘Reality’ has now become utter absurdity

In what can only be called

This 21stC Bizzarocalypse



This 21stC Bizzarocalypse

From year 2000 AD up to 2018 today

May well be defined as a literal cesspool

Of lies, duplicity and ‘false flags’

Including 19 long years of escalating weirdness

Among innumerable scenarios thus far

These five, for me, standout as

The most seismic and alarming

‘Mis’ and dis-informational

World-shattering moments:





) 1 (

The whole world goes into shock on 9/11/2001

When America’s soaring ‘Twin Towers’

Of World Trade Center control

Implode like two stacks of potato chips

Not by war and military bombs

But by crashes into each building by

Two. Commercial. Passenger. Planes.

Each 110 floors dropped and became instant

Mounds of pitiful smoldering rubble

How could such a thing possibly happen

In the nation that Controls the World?

Beyond strange and tragic……..Bizarre


) 2 (

Then comes 01/20/2009

With an astounding–even confounding–ascension

But one we were all happy to believe

In which a man of half-African-slave descension

Is sworn in as new leader of the White House

The Control Center

At the top of the world pyramid

He is a very educated, very genteel, very nice man

But so new to the fixed and fake game

And expected to bring REAL peace and change

Almost ‘the second coming’ all sang

World headlines rapturously acclaimed

But all he actually wrought

Was much more of the same

More missiles more bombs via drones

Wrapped in his Kenyan name

So very Ironically…..Bizarre


) 3 (

On 3/13/2013, amid world-wide revelations

Of priestly malfeasance and schisms

An ‘infallible’ Pope unaccountably quits

Then unique in that church’s long history

A Jesuit priest dons the mantle amid mystery

Having ‘God’s ear’ he goes on to declare

‘Who am I to judge?’ to adoring crowds

While he makes a host of sly retreats

From all Christian doctrines and edicts

He welcomes all to his ‘big tent’

No matter the lifestyle nor whether they repent

For it seems this universal church itself

Has hidden transgressions on a shaky shelf

And he assures there won’t be a deeper self-exam

Revealing its centuries-old satanic scam

So…dare I say it: diabolically?…..Bizarre


) 4 (

An autocratic, elitist, buffoonish

Rash, brash, arrogant and crass

Shady businessowner of casinos, towers

Golf courses and beauty pageants

 As well as a self-starring TV show

In which he revels in humiliating his ‘apprentices’

A man who pontificates his feelings

And issues decrees by ‘tweeting’ on Twitter

Now assumes the throne of world power

Becoming President of the U.S. of America

That ‘exceptional’ nation

On 01/20/2017

He now becomes, in effect, the MPMoE


(All caps, apropos, for emphasis)

And all wonder at the diabolical forces

Which put this profane and psychopathic man

In control of a world

All but ready to implode

The earth shudders…..Bizarre


) 5 (

Admiring despots arise in many lands

This inauspicious year of 2018

And they bask in the taunts, goads

And brazen mis-disms of the MPMoE!

For he engages in bromances with them

And their deadly autocratic rule of their people

In places like the Philipines, Brazil, Russia,

China, Israel, North Korea, Turkey

And Saudi Arabia

And as regards that last noble land

The world as its now led

 Tsks tsks its apparent state murder

And dismemberment of a man

Within the refined walls of its consulate

Shamelessly, they and their cronies

All worshippers of power oil and monies

Fully expect that everyone forgets

Lest lucrative wars

They might be forced to neglect

Horrifyingly, Malevolently……Bizarre



So now, back to what and where

Is Truth?

And rather than ‘fake news’

What is Real?

Rather than fake and bad news

What is the real and The Good News?

Where…how can we reclaim the Real life?

The deferred promise of the Paradise we lost?

Indeed, there is a divine reference book

Full of answers and instructions

Blow off the dust of our collective copy

Because within it

Someone who loves us speaks clearly


He is God

Whose name is Jehovah

Or if you prefer, Yahweh

He inspired many humans to ‘speak’ to us

 ‘Listen’ to him through the apostle Paul

In his first letter to Timothy

Chapter 6, verses 17-19, paraphrased:

‘Instruct those who are rich…not to be arrogant

…and to place their hope

Not on uncertain riches

But on GOD

Who richly provides to those of good works

To those rich, rather, in fine works

Generosity and sharing

Building a treasure in heaven that becomes

A fine foundation for their future’

“So that they may get a firm hold


Paul goes on to wisely advise Timothy

In verse 20:

‘Turn away from the empty speeches’

(fake news/hate news/terror news)

‘that violate what is holy’

‘and from the contradictions’

‘of the falsely called ‘knowledge’ ‘

‘By (boasting) of such knowledge’

‘some have deviated from the faith’

Hear, as well, Jehovah’s son-designate of Truth

Yes, the aforementioned son

Known as Jesus

He answers for all time

What TRUTH is, in that he said:

“I….bear witness to the truth.

“Everyone who is on the side of the truth

“Listens to my voice”

Even the Roman official who heard this, decreed


Jesus…The Word of God

In his life-course he has shown us the Way

In which ways our lives must be lived

If we are to obtain the Real Life

There, finally, is THE TRUTH:

The WAY Jesus walked can set one free

If one truly wants freedom

And sure escape

From this fake 21stC Bizzarocalypse!

By Jahgirl
