My thoughts this morning…..on being alive!
Acknowledging Jehovah’s grace
Before my first sip of coffee and bite of eggs
What were my thoughts and feelings?
Oh yes….
Intensely grateful in my ‘aliveness’
On not only awakening
A mere matter of eyelids rising
But this body yet able to roll itself over
And arise from my bed
To ambulate–to walk about
My arms able to raise window shades
To let in the morning sun
Eyes able to focus and see it
Skin able to tingle to its warm presence
Grateful to Jah for the food before me
And the roof above me
And the ability and means to do things
If only a few things
Around and about this home
So glad and thankful of heart
That my God-given senses
Sight hearing smell touch and taste
Were for this day
Still giving dimension color texture odor
Time and substance to my reality
Every atom and gene of my being
Still intact and attuned
By and to
That most wondrous part of my body
That rubbery-grey bulbous crenelated
Astounding anatomical marvel of bio-engineering
That’s astronomically deceptively much more
Than the appearance of its parts
And for that blob of gray matter…
I say Hallelujah!
For it is firing this morning!
All electrons alert and aware
Channeling without error
All the signals of my sensors
Between bone and blood
Nerve-endings and heart
Directing as would
The greatest ever music conductor
Who’s most excellent deftness
Beauty finesse and artistry
Effortlessly inter-weaves the melodic chords
Of a billion-piece organic orchestra!
And so again
For this morning, another day
I awake, I live, I thank Jehovah
By Jahgirl