Prayer for the Kichwa

Not of ‘this world’ you set us O God

But in an Eden like Yasuni, Ecuador*

A part of that great Amazonian Rainforest

Which breathes for all the earth

Among some brave and remarkable tribes

Voluntarily untouched by ‘this world’

Rage also the Kichwa and the Waorani

Against yet another brutish plunderer

Looking to drill and plow their land under

Offering millions in their money tokens

In laughable exchange for the invaluable

The Kichwa and Waorani cry out:

‘Here is our treasure, our life

Not only for us, for the entire world

So our future generations

Your children, your children’s children

Can live and breathe clean air!’

But those in power neither care or hear

But you must give ear, O Jehovah

Please hear those worthy people

Simple brave lovers of the Earth

Jealously guarding its sanctity

And its sustaining organic productions

That you, O God

Endowed it

With them, I sigh, I plead, I cry

I pray

In the promissory words of Jesus, our King

‘Let your Kingdom, a new Eden, come

Let it be on earth so very akin

To what it must be like in your heavens!’

And then will the faithful vigilance

Of the Kichwa and Waorani

And their children, and all children

Surely be blessed




* ecuadors-indigenous-willing-to-die-to-defend rainforest