Jesus knew…way back when
That all the way up to this day…
…..we would be beyond weary
Perniciously sick of the constant
.. horrid news coming out of this world
Full of the content, as they call it
With which we find ourselves subject to from every corner
…our senses assaulted from every direction
Cacophonous ads….
…blathering talking heads
…discordant music
–made not to soothe the beast in man—
–but rather to release his base animal impulses
‘Content’ feeding us assaultive scenes
spooled out in diverse media
….so more and more perverse
….they make us turn away
Cast down our eyes
Or close them tightly against tears
And for this connectivity
We’re made to pay for our own dehumanization!
Even covering one’s ears can’t keep out all the sounds
Electronically amplified as they now are
Sailing in upon the EMF waves droning from every
..device nearby…
Television, radio, movies, cellphones….
The Internet and its videos, websites, blogs and Facebooks
All synced up to expel the same miasma of blasphemous vomit….
….the puke within which we are immersed
…..made up of a world full of wants and wars
and imagined possibilities
Every last bit of it built upon that ancient lie:
—-That man can do anything God can do—-
And so the newsy emanations that beset us
…..come full of fear and angst and struggle
And at the end of them….
There is no resolving….no resolution
Made up as it all is of ‘fake news’ anyway
……and ‘alternative facts’
So very tiresome is this game of massive deception
This distractedly loud and lying ‘views and news’
But yes…it can be turned down
Or better….turned off
Or best….
One could reflect intensely
….on another kind of news
…….that which was heralded
by a lone voice in the wilderness
…such a long time ago
That ‘reporter’, a heretic of his time…a man
…Jesus, they called him….
…..was the bearer of some good news:
………of a righteous kingdom to come
He said his source of this news was unassailable
That he was publicizing on behalf…
…of a source who ‘CANNOT LIE’!
He proclaimed it without drum-roll or fanfare
So pleasant to the ears were his words
….and given to all for free:
Trusted real news
Absolute–not alternative– facts
…of life
….FOR life
….the Truth that actually set men free!
Jesus seems to have known long long ago
That this day would surely come…
when we would sorely need….
…our spirits to be refreshed
……our souls would desperately yearn
…for that which is finally…truly