Enough Already!


How I hate this wasteful course

And I dearly wish I’d had no part

In how we’ve made the trashing

Of our precious earth an art

Moutainous hordes of all our trash

‘Cuz there’s few places to take it

We mostly toss it all in dumpsters

Where you and I guiltily forsake it

I’m trapped in a gluttonous world

Guess we all are, rich or poor

Sold on buying as much as possible

Stuff just tumbling out our doors

We keep buying ‘cuz..well, great deals!

Merely flotsam we think we need

We give or throw away most of it

Whatever! In buying more we succeed

Without a second thought I admit

It all gets tossed and thrown about

Into the street or donation bins

Recycling plants or just shipped out

Just endless piles upon piles amass

Mountains of rotting, stinking detritus

We try to hide this underbelly

Before it shames or overwhelms us

We find ways to keep it hidden

Plowed into and under wasteland hills

Soon to underly new tracts and homes

Inside which toxic fumes will subtly fill

Sure, OK..some trash’ll be recycled

And bits and pieces repurposed

They’re shipped off to poor countries

In cheap little trinkets resurface

Beyond all these sordid transgressions

The dumping ground of last resort

Really let’s call it the ‘dumping water’

Is our pristine oceans of the earth

This is where I grieve the most

Knowing that man’s varied excrement

The feces of our toxic techno-dystopia

Is befouling earth’s watery firmament

That’s it…the final straw for me!

To treat the home God made this way!

Any man would evict tenants such as us

And post scary guards to keep us at bay

I am miserable to be so trapped

In a system befouling our home

I pray for his promise: ‘all things new’

Jah’s happy ending to this poem

By Jahgirl

June 21, 2021