All snuggly and cozy on a sunny morn
Gazing with joy upon the warming rays
Grazing the patio plants
Reveling in the collective warmth and peace
Of being in the moment
Thanking Jehovah innumerally
For the precious joys of the sun
Its light, its warmth and vitality
Against the inevitable morning chill
Brightening the darkness…..
….cleansing sleep from my bleary eyes
Here my thoughts slid into that cringing place
Along with my sorrowful part for going there….
…..that place of ‘knowing good and bad’
O how God had warned us not to enter it!
For each day ever since the shroud around us tightens
Dense shutters blind what our eyes discern
Keeps us from seeing true ‘light’
Impairs ability to find our way to its source
And convinces us it’s in a galaxy ‘far far away’
While as a matter of just plain fact
That ‘light’ is right here with us
Know this: it is reflected in……
…..and by our vibrant sun
This much we now know ourselves…
That its nuclear and radiated power is such
That at 93 million miles away it is precisely felt
It warms and thaws…
Draws plants from their buried seeds
Provides such surging vitality
They spring forth through soil…
…….and sometimes rock
The sun’s abundant dynamic energy
Is God…….personified
As He himself has told us through his prophets
Absent his Sun-light
Not only could we not see
…..nor hear nor taste nor smell
All the good things of the good earth….
Of fruit and plant and tree and bird
Of fish and animal and worm and bug
Of mountain and valley and lake
Of river and ocean and harbor
But ALL things would not even exist
It is but for our life-giving Sun
It is, perhaps….
The way that God makes himself real to us
Its power is such that we cannot look at it directly
Just as we cannot look at or see God
Yet our sun reflects his glory!
And even as each slice of earth
Revolves and turns away from the sun
After which a darkening sky descends
Lo! A moon arises!
Casting that very sustaining light
In reflected rays from our sun
Easing the dense darkness of tall forests
And outlining mountain ranges
Clothing loved ones in silvery duskiness
Rescuing us from the abyss of the night
And focusing ‘hope’ towards the morning sunrise
The Sun……the Moon
The Father……..the Son
By Jahgirl
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