
A most intriguing conundrum
In a most horrendous time
Of murderous madness that once engulfed
The whole encircled world
Not once but two times thus far
Men waged senseless hateful blood-letting
Spurred by Satan’s fall from grace
Who, enraged, dared a Job-like taunt
Even rebellion against the Ancient of Days
And sent his hordes and minions
To devour in frenzied bloodlust
Two peoples of God’s own name
He herded the Jews out of their ghettoes
And Jehovah’s Witnesses out of their Halls
Both were force-marched into holocaust
Both claimed The One True God

Both went meekly, bedraggled, compliant
The Jews as they left gold and opulence
The Witnesses under threat to bow down
The Jews sang a new ‘Lamentations’ song
The Witnesses’ very souls thrummed with joy
The Jew’s diamonds could not save them
The Witnesses’ heart set them apart
Upon war’s altar Jews burned for Israel
In their pain Witnesses pined for JAH
And for HIM they were quite glad to suffer
Yes, Jews being Jews was their only sin
And the Witnesses had but to ‘Heil Hitler’
Still the Jew’s martyrdom bought them a land
With their slaughter they were quite glad to pay
While the Witnesses’ trusted God’s promise
From Jehovah through the line of King David
A Son of Man born called Christ Jesus
Savior for all man, for all earth, for all time
Of the Jew and Jehovah’s Witnesses then
The question must surely arise
At least to my wondering heart, I admit
One might ponder this riddle
That among those truly loving their One God
Do tell please….
Who in this day are ‘The Chosen’?


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