Time and Trouble

It’s dark, it’s wet, it’s chilly

A rare rainstorm in southern Cali


First a shower, then floss

Rub in lotions, choose a dress


Match the shoes and hosiery

Even my scarf and jewelry


Add a jacket, perhaps a shawl

To be warm in the Kingdom Hall


Be on time, forget the nap

When you return, park in the back


Two hours, three songs

Two prayers, some psalms


Bible readings and talks

Heartfelt comments and thoughts


Driving home, stomach’s empty

But spiritually fed aplenty


In my bedroom, begin to undress

Things earlier done—reverse the process


Some would say: ‘That’s a lot to do’

‘For a Bible lesson or two’


‘It’s all so very inconvenient’

‘Guess what..God’s pretty lenient’


‘Life’s short and we are clay’

‘Just go an hour on Sunday’


Maybe they’ve got something there

But their ‘something’ goes nowhere


The ‘where’ is what I couldn’t fathom

The ‘something’ impossibly daunting


I needed to know of God’s totality

Knowledge beyond my meager ability


I needed to go where truth was told

Where they practiced his Words of gold


We live by His grace from day one

The joys beyond number– all He’s done


By His mighty works done for us

In studying his Word I could do no less


He must’ve pondered and labored long

His time drawing up plans–to us–eons


He calculated, placed each star just so

And tilted planets to make them go


What grand divine effort did it take

To set our laws of physics in place?


Can we even guess at His acuity?

In designing humans with such beauty?


Or His meticulousness

In devising man’s articulateness?


He put a million, no, a trillion

Things in sync– yes –megazillions!


In order that we could be here

Upon Earth, this unique ‘somewhere’


So, sir, no more of your derision

‘Having a lot to do’ is my decision


Matter of fact– inadequate

My paltry efforts to learn and meditate


In truth– profoundly deficient

All my ‘time and trouble’– insufficient



For we receive—an understatement

God’s undeserved love without abatement


By Jahgirl
