You are the ‘FOREKNOWN’
Born in little Nazareth
Too small to even be counted
Among the ‘Chosen’ towns of Judah
Swaddled in a manger
As there was nowhere else to go
You were just a ‘twig’ of a great tree
Yet a precious Child of God
Just ‘a root’, in a waterless land
One thought to be brittle and desiccated
Fit only to be thrown upon the trash heap
Yet you would become, little twig
Able to bountifully feed thousands
As if you were a vast field of tall ripe wheat
You were the ‘Beginning of HIS Way’–
Glad before your father all the time
You joined in the creation
Of the Earth out of the unknowable void
Learning all at the knee
Of your Father Almighty God
In awe as the dust formed landmasses
And oceans filled from rivers
Flowing from springs of the watery deeps
Mountains emerged and rose
To reach the very cloud masses
You marveled at your Father’s decrees
Limiting the wave’s encroachment upon the shores
With Him you set the very foundations of the Earth
Jesus, ‘WISDOM’
You watched in breath-taking awe
As the life-giving breath of your Father
Enlivened all kinds of souls
Man and animal kinds
And ‘the sons of man’
Became your greatest fondness
For in your image
And that of your Father
Were made the man and the woman
And there was unbounded delight
In watching these souls
Frolic upon your joint creation
This Earthly garden paradise
A masterpiece, O MASTER WORKER!
What you and your Father have wrought!
How splendidly robed are your ‘lilies of the field’
And lush, the well-watered trees
Feeding souls and shading them
Yes, you saw that all of it was good
And delighted in the joy of the sons of man
Then came a serpent, O DIVINE APPRENTICE
Slickly coiling his lies around Eve
She enticed Adam to join her in sin
As God’s command they refused to heed
Alas! Man’s life-everlasting was lost.
Tells the Bible account in Job
All the angelic sons of Jehovah, your Father
Gathered in session before Him
Even the one called Satan deigned to appear
From his ‘roving and walking about’ the Earth
In his haughty regard, all was not well
For men, like the one named Job
Were only lovers of God to their own advantage
He dared to rebuke Jehovah God
Who considered Job a righteous servant
And fell out of His favor–a ‘rebeller’
Now known to us as ‘Devil’
He contends for dominance over Jesus
Who Defends Jah’s honor up to this very day
Yes, there is the one called MI’CHA`EL
–or ‘who is like God?’
He is a fearsome warrior against evil
A FOREMOST PRINCE in the spirit realm
So said that messenger from God to Daniel
‘And the only one who held strong
And stood with me against the ‘Prince of Persia’
Now the messenger was preparing for the coming battle
With the Prince of Greece, he said to Daniel
‘And no one is supporting me but one
MI’CHA’EL, ‘your PRINCE’ ‘
MI’CHA’EL—‘who is like God’—
Yes, Jesus, it is again, you
Jesus, next you came in the flesh
MESSIAH….the Christ….
His only begotten son
This time not for battle, but peace
To model sacrificial love
Toward man, toward God
Life for life
Your own relinguished
To overturn human death
To restore your Father’s purpose
And for your human sacrifice upon the Roman stake….
A crown–KING of KINGS!
Jehovah has placed you on his right
You’ve brought everlasting glory to your Father
And at the appointed time
Soon now
Will return everlasting goodness to man
(9/15/2013 first written)
By Jahgirl