At Days End the Seas Still Flow

Waking to the new day
I give thanks to Jah as always
That I even get to see it
The sun cresting the distant mountains
The birds chirping a greeting
The airy fragrant winds sooth me
Ah, the pleasures of Jah’s creation
I cannot begin to detail it all
The perfection and precision
Its depth and breadth and complexity
It is stupendous even wondrous
And when you really think about it
Just about unfathomable

Yet still unsettling to know
That His perfection for now
Masks all the dung of dungy gods
Around and about and above us
Whose multitude of sins
Belie a rotting festering underlay
And boast a multitude of dungy ‘creations’
In their last desperate stages of infection
Since the turn of the 20th century
Is when Christ exiled the Anti-Christ
And cast that ‘one’ out who is now enraged
And on a wild vengeful rampage
Of death and ingenious destruction
He foments wars but where that fails
Causes pandemic massacre and genocide
Irradiation starvation abortion
Impoverishment hate and cruelty
Media perversion degradation and sophistry
Claims the abundance of earth’s free gifts
From minerals to precious water and air
Fracking fossil matter out of every stone and hill
That ‘one’ deigns to mimic The True God
Uses HAARP to harness His natural forces
NASA’s scopes to search the heavens
And the NSA as an all-seeing eye

Google and Yahoo as all-knowing
Knows when we are ‘naughty or nice’
During every time, place and way

In spite and despite that ‘one’s’ hoary schemes
Supernaturally devious and strong as he is
He is ultimately and cosmically
That is..not perfect nor right
And against the True God he is wrong
So thus and yet……
Despite and still……..
We know and must have no fear
That ‘one’s’ time is dwindling
He desperately grabs at the sands of time
Trickling briskly through the hourglass
Over the glassy precipice that ‘one’ tumbles
Along with all his schemes and minions
While now Jehovah flips the hourglass
And the sea of mankind continues

Wave after wave after glorious wave
Ebb and flow and surge and flood
All extinct animals reappear
The trampled plants resurge
In the first warm rain of a new spring day
The sea of mankind crests in a giant wave
And life goes on undeterred
Just as it was Jehovah’s great cosmic purpose

Just so, Just so

By Jahgirl

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