So lost in this world
And who would search for us?
The epitome of God’s whole creation
We humans were allowed to set our own life-course
The creation was set at our God-given feet
And such ‘pretty feet’ we were given
But soon they became befuddled and clumsy
We began to confuse our right foot from left
We let them morph into club-feet
Some even became beastly and claw-like
They did not sustain our walks with our Creator
Our feet could no longer fit into His footsteps
Nor find His path which we were meant to tread
And we veered from His safe havens
The bountiful meadows and pure waterways
He had meticulously carved out for us
And vicious wolves, even now
Keep catching most of us
Woe for us, the 21st century lost sheep
Burdened with our clobber feet!
We panic in the dark ravines of this world
Where our wolfish rulers care naught
Whether they call themselves kings or presidents
A prime minister or an emperor
They neither care nor heed our pitiful bleatings
So then, desperate, we cry out in agony
Recalling those great Shepherds of old
And how God Jehovah had powered them
‘Lead us, O Moses!’
Who herded multitudes through a wilderness
‘Fight for us, Brave David!’
Who slay the fearsome enemy Goliath!
‘Care for us, O Fine Shepherd!’
You, who fed the hungry ones
Healed, felt pity and searched for them
Led them back to safety
Or carried them if they could not walk!
Woe! Gone are those blessed men of old
But you, Jesus, Fine Shepherd
Did not neglect to raise for us ones like yourself
‘Gifts’ in everyday men
Craftsmen, laborers, tradesmen
Teachers, preachers, ministers
Bible-taught counselors and consolers
These men now shepherd
Today’s congregations of mankind
Those regrowing their sheep-like feet
Forming the modern flocks of GOD
Grazing contentedly upon the lands of the earth
Jehovah’s Witnesses
By Jahgirl
June 7, 2021